Quick start =========== If you have not already done so, install kevlar using :doc:`the following instructions `, and Snakemake version 5.0 or greater. The simplest way to execute kevlar's entire *de novo* variant discovery workflow is using the provided Snakemake workflow configuration. Processing the example data set below should be able to run on a laptop in less than 5 minutes while consuming less than 200 Mb of RAM. The results (``workdir/calls.scored.sorted.vcf.gz``) should include 5 variant calls: a 300 bp insertion and 4 single-nucleotide variants. A :doc:`more detailed tutorial is available `, and a complete listing of all available configuration options for each kevlar command can be found in :doc:`the CLI documentation `, or by executing ``kevlar -h`` in the terminal. ---------- .. highlight:: none .. code:: # Download data curl -L https://osf.io/db82p/download -o mother.fq.gz curl -L https://osf.io/6vrnz/download -o father.fq.gz curl -L https://osf.io/wt5h8/download -o proband.fq.gz curl -L https://osf.io/35wgn/download -o refr.fa.gz bwa index refr.fa.gz # Download and format configuration file curl -L https://osf.io/86adm/download | sed "s:/home/user/Desktop:$(pwd):g" > helium-config.json # Invoke the workflow snakemake \ --snakefile kevlar/workflows/mark-I/Snakefile \ --configfile helium-config.json --cores 4 --directory workdir -p calls